Sex Change & the City Call for Submissions

Girl Dad Press is planning the obvious follow-up to our award-winning anthology 2 Trans 2 Furious, which means we need your essays/art/cool stuff about Sex and the City!

As we envision what a queer anthology of work about Sex and the City might look like, we couldn’t help but wonder if you have an idea for something that celebrates, critiques, questions, explores and/or expands the Sex and the City collected universe (including And Just Like That… and both movies)!

We are open to personal essays, critical analyses, comics, fanfic, visual art, games, power rankings, personality quizzes, and anything else that could theoretically be printed in a weird little book.

While we obviously love trans people the most, we’re opening submissions to any and all queer people, whatever that means to you.

Submission Guidelines

Our maximum submission length is 1,200 words (for written pieces) or four pages (for art/comics). There is no minimum length. Printing will be 5.5” x 8.5” in b/w.

If you’d like to get an idea approved before you begin working, you may submit a short pitch (max 250 words) via this pitch form. Pitches are due by October 7, 2024.

Alternately, you can skip the pitch process and submit completed work via this submission form. Completed submissions are due by October 21, 2024.

Multiple pitches and/or submissions are permitted per person. (Conversely, multiple people may co-author one pitch/submission.) Previously published works may be submitted only if you have written permission from the existing publisher(s).

What we’re looking for:

We suggest taking a narrow lens to your subject. Find a single topic — a character, an episode, a costume or prop, a bizarre dating ritual, etc.  — and dig into its messy center. Get weird; be imaginative; be horny and queer and fucked up about it! Honestly, our girls deserve it.

You are not required to like Sex and the City in order to submit. You can actively hate it! You can be gripped with horrified fascination! All we ask is that you find an interesting take. Your perspective should be clear, creative, thoughtful, and engaging.

To get a better idea of our vibe, we suggest flipping through a copy of 2T2F.


Not all pitches/submissions will be accepted. All accepted submissions will be paid $100 prior to publication. (We aspire to eventually issue a second round of payments, but this will be determined by “whether we make any profit at all.”)

Contributors will also receive a complimentary physical & digital copy of the book, with the option of purchasing additional physical copies at a discounted rate.


Send them to girldadpress[at]gmail[dot]com, or use the contact form on this website. And as always, thank you for participating in whatever this is!